File name

The file names in Boomla are the segments which you can also see in URLs.

Note that the file name is not a file's property but a file's address within its parent. Changing the file's name will not cause its fileHash to change. In contrast, the file title is a file property, changing it will cause its fileHash to change.

The file’s name may be generated from the file’s title.

Max length: 255 bytes.

The chars available in file names are quite restricted, whereas file titles may contain a much wider range. The valid chars are the following:

  • Lowercase letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


  • Numbers: 0123456789

  • Dot: .

  • Dash: -

  • Underscore: _

Special rules:

  • must not start with an underscore (_),

  • must not start with double dots (..),

  • file names starting with a dot (.) followed by an uppercase letter are reserved, shall only be used for the purposes specified in the Boomla docs. For example: .Request.

Reserved filenames

File names starting with a dot followed by an uppercase letter are reserved. The use of such file names is not allowed by default, except for those whitelisted and for their intended purpose.

See the list of application files and the .New file.