
Automatic package update

Packages can be updated manually or automatically as updates are released.

Installing a package

Installing the package creates the file /sys/packages/ and mounts a clone of its filesystem to this file via a package link.

Link type

A file's link type defines how Boomla treats the link during file operations.

Available link types and their main properties:
Link type Address type Transparent Filesystem scope Mounts volume
package hash-based yes yes yes, read-only
scope hash-based yes yes yes, read/write
volume hash-based yes no yes, read/write
dynamic location-based yes no yes, read/write
path location-based no no no


Mounting means linking another volume from a file so that the linked volume becomes accessible as the linking file's subtree.

New Panel

The new panel is a user-interface element on some variants of the frontend toolchain. It shows a collection of files that can be used as building blocks for a website.

Open source

If a branch is open source then anyone can read and clone its filesystem.

Package data store

Packages may use a central storage area within each website to store any package specific data. That's the package data store.

For each package, it is located at /sys/packageData/PACKAGE_NAME.

Package hash

A package hash is the root hash of a package filesystem.

Package link

A package link is a file link mounting a package by its hash. The package link is a hash-based link: the mounted subtree becomes part of the website and remains there even if the original package website is removed. 

Example: package 01ed8bb7a8ad5500c8885da1575f77068d0777606d

Package website

A package website is a website that is intended to be installed as a package.

Scope link

A scope link mounts a writable volume that establishes a filesystem scope. The scope link is a transparent, hash-based link.

Turn a package link into a scope link to make it editable. (This will also prevent the system from updating the package.)

Example: scope