Host on our servers


You can now host your Boomla websites on our servers.

However simple Boomla makes it for you to create a website, you still needed to host it somewhere. For that, you at least need a server. Probably a Linux one. Setting it up is not something I’d call simple. It was on my wish-list for a really long time to provide hosting. Here it comes.

Getting your website on our servers

Let’s dive straight into the steps how you can get it done.

  1. Log in to

  2. Go to the Control Panel, which is a control panel just like your local one at

  3. Create a website. For now you can only use a subdomain of, which is our community domain. Drop me an email if you want to use your own.

  4. Push your local website to that domain via boomla push. Note that you will need to use your email/pass for and also to use the --force flag the first time you push your website.

Yeah, you still need to use the command line for now. We will slowly get rid of it too.

Demo website

Now you don’t need to mess around exporting and importing websites. Now you can also pull the demo website from

The download section is updated with steps from downloading Boomla to getting your site live. Give it a try and let me know!



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